Sign up for an account
Start by creating a seller account. You will need to provide business details, such as company name, contact info, business type, and product categories.
You will also be asked to verify your business and provide a tax ID or other official documentation.
Access Wholesale Pricing
Once approved, you can view our products at wholesale rates instead of the retail prices that are displayed for direct consumers.
This includes discounted bulk pricing, special offers, and the ability to purchase at specific volume-based discounts.
Make your first purchase
You can then place orders at these discounted prices directly through the Manymoons wholesale platform, allowing you to stock products for resale at your store, online shops, or selling platform of choice.
We offer flexible payments. Purchase new inventory for a fraction of the cost with "Shop Now, Pay Later" options. We accept all major credit cards, Shopify payments, and PayPal.
Shipping & Fufillment
Once an order is placed, you will receive an order confirmation email.
When the order is received, it will be dispatched from our warehouse within 2 business days.
*International orders can vary based on the buyers's location and the chosen shipping carrier.
Buy again!
With unlimited shipments and flexible payment options, be sure to check in as we regularly update our inventory with new products & limited-edition items.
For more inquires please contact